Ready to get crystal clear on what YOU really want in life, make powerful and confident AF decisions, and work less while making more?

Whether you aspire to expand your current business, need a push to start your own, or feel like you’re just ready to take up space, finally honor YOUR dreams and move upwards in life (professionally or otherwise), I’d love to work with you! 

As a life and business coach, I will be there with you however you need me – mentally, emotionally, logistically, or all three. It’s YOUR time to shine.



You know deep inside you have what it takes to live out your dream, but you need help moving through your fear and limiting beliefs.

You're an entrepreneur who is ready to work smarter and NOT harder; who wants to focus on your zone of genius and things that actually move the needle for your business. 

You wish to have more time for yourself and your family while also scaling your business and making more money.

You sometimes feel like you’re getting left behind by friends and colleagues and want to figure out what’s holding you back.

You want to make more money but you’re having a hard time.

You're preparing for a big life transition: a new job, a career change, a big move, motherhood, divorce, etc. – and you need someone to help you prepare + go through it with.

You're a leader who needs a thought partner – a sounding board so you feel less alone – and someone to cheer you on while you're busy managing your team, putting out fires, and supporting everyone else in your life.

You need guidance on hiring (ie. who to bring on to your team and how to bring them on.)

You're trying to navigate everyday life while dealing with loss and grief.

You’re someone who wants concrete direction and guidance, something that’s beyond your therapist’s scope.

Your therapist specifically suggested to get a life coach.

You're someone looking to overall improve your life and need accountability.

Is this you? If you’re ready to invest in yourself and make more money while spending as much time with your family, sign up for my waitlist below.



It’s simple – because at various points in my life, I have been in your shoes and now I’m on the other side. The other side feels awfully nice… And I want that for you too. You belong HERE.

Throughout my adult life, I am/have:

  • Felt forced out of my job after coming back from maternity leave

  • Started MULTIPLE businesses (I’m all about jumping right in!) and while some were not as profitable as Williamsburg pizza and my coaching business, they were ALL valuable learning experiences.

  • Grown Williamsburg pizza from 1 to 5 locations.

  • Made a career change at 38 — in an industry I never even considered — and I haven’t looked back since. (I truly believe that coaching is my life’s purpose.)

  • Taught Leadership in Columbia University

  • Experienced loss and grief many times over

  • Highly skilled in making new friends and finding my clients great connections

Since having a breakthrough with my first ever life coach 4 years ago, I’ve never wanted more than to help women like myself figure out their path, see their worth, get their mojo back and believe they could have the life they’ve always dreamed of.

On my way home after grabbing a fresh slice at our pizzeria the other day, I took a deep breath in the crisp, fall air and thought: “Man, I’ve really set up my life right!”

If you could wave a magic wand, what would your dream life look like? How would you set your life up?

What would clarity, the confidence to be unapologetically you, powerful decision-making, and more time AND money mean to you and your family? What would you do if I told you IT IS POSSIBLE, you have what it takes and I can help you get there?

Will you say YES?



  • Deeply explore what you really, really want out of your life and start honoring that.

    Some of my clients have been surprised by our series of explorations. Sometimes the answer is not what you think or believe it to be.

  • Clearly define your core beliefs and/or business values to save you time and energy.

  • Help you with setting boundaries so firm, no one ever questions it.

  • Move through your fear, self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

  • Examine your money mindset and say goodbye to thoughts that are keeping you from making more.

  • Learn and master how to make show-stopping, confident AF decisions on your own


  • Sleep better.

  • Avoid burn out.

  • Get over feelings of resentment towards your boss, partner, etc.

  • Find a new job that values and respects you.

  • Find clients that are loyal and want to pay you MORE money.

  • Make more money so you can support yourself and those that depend on you.

  • Give generously to people and causes that matter to you.

  • Gain more time for yourself and with your kids, partner, and friends.

  • Smile more and breathe deeply.

  • Live a life you love.

DISCLAIMER: My one-on-one coaching program is NOT for you if you’re not willing to do the work — which includes examining yourself, taking responsibility and saying goodbye to your toxic thoughts.

Are you willing to do the work?

If you are, then I urge you to sign up for my one-on-one coaching.

We’ve got meaningful work to do and I promise you, it will be worth it.



With Leah’s help, within a year, I’ve gone from a well-intentioned but overly nerve-ridden entrepreneur to a forward-thinking, agile leader. Her work is designed to get you from point A to point B with poise and with a realistic plan— for me that’s meant everything from resolving staffing issues to up-leveling my entire revenue model. The best part is some of that action has been doing less, being easier on myself, and trusting the journey. I can't recommend her enough.

- Cristina, entrepreneur & mom in Brooklyn, NY

Working with Leah has helped me stay focused on the results I want in the short and long-term, and because of that, I'm getting closer to those goals every day. Business growth? Happening. Expanding social network? Happening. Having someone in my corner who believes in me? Happening. I've been pretty coach-averse in general, but something about Leah made me reconsider. I'm really glad I did. Leah is the real deal. No BS. All results. An added bonus is that I really like our time together, and am grateful to have someone to celebrate the MANY wins with. The question isn't really whether you should hire Leah, but how soon you can start!

- Frenchie, entrepreneur & mom in New York, NY

Within 45 minutes of meeting Leah, she had already changed my life and helped me solve a work problem I had been thinking about for months. Leah's signature mix of encouragement (every session starts with celebrations) and tough love has helped me notice and change some toxic thought patterns around money, work and accomplishment and the results have been incredible. I leave every conversation feeling like a problem has been solved and I have a new outlook on my career and the type of life I'm able to live.

- Abigail, entrepreneur, Brooklyn, NY

Leah gave me a safe space to speak about life events that I had not taken the time to process. This was vital for me to move out of the past and into the present. Since then, I have been able to be more present with my family, grow my business and its relationships. I've also been able to clear headspace to love on myself. I'm so grateful for Leah’s gentle guidance and judgment-free space to be present with me. I look forward to continuing this journey.

- Gala, entrepreneur and mom, Texas



As a coach, I count my client’s wins as my wins. Their success is my success – and I only want nothing but for them to reach their highest and best self.

Here’s what some of my clients have achieved through our work together:

  • Quit a full-time job to finally work full-time in her side business

  • Grew a consulting business from $60K to $300K in a year

  • Made her one-on-one coaching investment back in less than a month

  • Prepared to take a *true* 3-month maternity leave as a business owner

  • Landed her dream job

  • Bought a family home and move to the suburbs (a dream for her)

  • Became confident and secure in what she brings to the table, and found a new job that offered twice her salary and with better benefits

  • A breakthrough in her limiting beliefs and money mindset

  • Expanded her team from 2 to 5, allowing her to focus on work that 3x her business

  • Started a freelance practice that paid more than her salaried job in the first year

  • Hired a competent and reliable team, gaining more time for herself and her kids

  • Continues to grow her business, makes more money and comes home happy and inspired daily :)

Does any of this sound good to you? What are you hoping to achieve in the next 6 months to a year?



➝ One-on-one coaching that is tailored to YOU! 

➝ An action and results-oriented custom blueprint, that includes
a combination of technical guidance and woo woo. (trust me, my program works)

➝ Explorations to examine and challenge your beliefs and mindset

➝ You can choose 1 of 2 options:
˃ 20 weekly sessions in 6 months 
˃ 1 year of every other week coaching

I will have 2-3 spots opening up next month. If you’re interested in working together, sign up for my waitlist now and we’ll get on a discovery call to see if my coaching is the right fit for you. Click below to sign up!



How do I know this program is for me?

It is for anyone looking to improve their life through gaining clarity in what they really want, developing show-stopping, I-got-this confidence in their decisions, working smarter, and making more money.

Why should I sign up for your wait list?

I have limited spots and I want to be able to offer my 1:1 coaching to you first!

What type of goals will coaching with you help me hit?

It can be anything! Here are some goals my previous clients have achieved:

Finding a better job

Exploring and establishing a new career

Doubling or tripling business revenue

Leaving a toxic relationship

Having actual fun while running her company

Becoming a more effective manager

Having a better schedule to enjoy both her personal and professional life

Transitioning from part-time to full-time freelance work

Preparing to go on maternity leave as an entrepreneur

…and the list goes on.

How is this different from other one-on-one coaching programs?

Some coaches or therapists are mainly focused on processing things that have happened to you. While we will also do that in our time together, my 1:1 coaching program is equally focused on taking action and setting you up on the path to success – beyond our 1:1 coaching time together.

What if I don’t know what I want to do and I have no idea what I’m working towards, is this one-on-one coaching still for me?

Yes — in our explorations, I’ll help you figure out and get crystal clear on what you really want to achieve in your current life.

If getting a life and business coach interests you, there is somewhere you want to get to or achieve – and it could either be something tangible (i.e. starting a business) or intangible (i.e. fully loving and accepting yourself).

What if I’m not working full-time, is this for me?

Of course! Development isn’t only about professional work — it can be about achieving personal happiness, creative fulfillment, better relationships, etc.

Maybe the thing you want to accomplish is practicing how to be more present for your family, establishing a new circle of friends, or putting yourself first.

Or maybe you are looking to transition into full-time work, I can help make that happen too.

I have a busy and erratic schedule - will I be able to make this work?

Our coaching calls are only an hour a week, with optional exercises / homework. If having no time is what’s keeping you, I say it makes it even more important for you to sign up. We’ll figure out how you can make more time for other things that really matter to you in life.

If you want to make it work, you will :)

Money is tight. I don’t know if I can do this.

I get it. It’s an investment. But the truth is that an investment in yourself always pays off IN DIVIDENDS… and I assure you, this program will. (Take it from some of my previous clients!)

Also, there is a payment plan available. You can ask me about it during our discovery call. 

So what’s it going to be? Are you going to jump in and sign up for my coaching?

Coaching is the BEST GIFT you can give to your future self. Sign up now.